方俊骁名字画 组图

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

玛丽·穆勒小姐的画像`Portrait of Mademoiselle Marie Murer by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

玛丽·穆勒小姐的画像`Portrait of Mademoiselle Marie Murer by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

加莱特磨坊的一角`A Corner of the Moulin de la Galette by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

加莱特磨坊的一角`A Corner of the Moulin de la Galette by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

魔法花园,1917年`The Enchanted Garden, 1917 by John William Waterhouse

魔法花园,1917年`The Enchanted Garden, 1917 by John William Waterhouse

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac

这是主的锚`Ecce Ancilla Domini

这是主的锚`Ecce Ancilla Domini

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

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