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纳齐莫娃·阿拉`Alla Nazimova

纳齐莫娃·阿拉`Alla Nazimova

阿波罗与缪斯女神`Apollo and the Muses by Italian painter

阿波罗与缪斯女神`Apollo and the Muses by Italian painter

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,1616年`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, 1616 by Peter Paul Rubens

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,1616年`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, 1616 by Peter Paul Rubens

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图4`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.4 by Giulio Romano

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图4`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.4 by Giulio Romano

绝望的洞穴`The Cave of Despair by Benjamin West

绝望的洞穴`The Cave of Despair by Benjamin West

1782年,马斯特斯夫人被任命为赫贝`Mrs Musters as Hebe, 1782 by Sir Joshua Reynolds

1782年,马斯特斯夫人被任命为赫贝`Mrs Musters as Hebe, 1782 by Sir Joshua Reynolds

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·夏勒,1893年` Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler, 1893 by John Singer Sargent

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·夏勒,1893年` Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler, 1893 by John Singer Sargent

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