于栋华 人物画 组图

丘比特和普赛克在婚礼的凉亭里,1793年`Cupid and Psyche in the Nuptial Bower, 1793 by Hugh Douglas Hamilton

丘比特和普赛克在婚礼的凉亭里,1793年`Cupid and Psyche in the Nuptial Bower, 1793 by Hugh Douglas Hamilton

美国游泳比赛选手格特鲁德·埃德尔`Gertrude Ederle, American Competition Swimmer by American School

美国游泳比赛选手格特鲁德·埃德尔`Gertrude Ederle, American Competition Swimmer by American School

迟钝的格雷特,疯狂的梅格,1563年`Dull Gret, Mad Meg, 1563 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

迟钝的格雷特,疯狂的梅格,1563年`Dull Gret, Mad Meg, 1563 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

女魔法师`The Sorceress

女魔法师`The Sorceress

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,详图2`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, Detail No.2 by Peter Paul Rubens

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,详图2`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, Detail No.2 by Peter Paul Rubens

狂热的殉道者`The Martyr of Fanaticism by Jose de Brito

狂热的殉道者`The Martyr of Fanaticism by Jose de Brito

朱迪思,布德维金一世的妻子`Judith, wife of Boudewijn I by Albert De Vriendt

朱迪思,布德维金一世的妻子`Judith, wife of Boudewijn I by Albert De Vriendt

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