秋天的各种植物图片 组图

布鲁日的麦当娜`Madonna of Bruges by Michelangelo

布鲁日的麦当娜`Madonna of Bruges by Michelangelo

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

我们的避难夫人`Our Lady of Refuge by Joseph de Paez

我们的避难夫人`Our Lady of Refuge by Joseph de Paez

在塞维利亚庭院里的对话`Conversation in a Sevillian Courtyard by Jose Jimenez y Aranda

在塞维利亚庭院里的对话`Conversation in a Sevillian Courtyard by Jose Jimenez y Aranda

威尼斯街头,年轻女子,1882年`Street in Venice, Young Woman, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

威尼斯街头,年轻女子,1882年`Street in Venice, Young Woman, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

危地马拉卡门圣母`Virgin of Carmen of Guatemala by Jose de Ibarra

危地马拉卡门圣母`Virgin of Carmen of Guatemala by Jose de Ibarra

神圣的家庭,基督在真理的膝上`The Holy Family, Christ in the Lap of Truth by William Blake

神圣的家庭,基督在真理的膝上`The Holy Family, Christ in the Lap of Truth by William Blake

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