银行行长 字画 组图

一位戴着水仙花的女士的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with Daffodil by Emile Eisman-Semenowsky

一位戴着水仙花的女士的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with Daffodil by Emile Eisman-Semenowsky

赫库巴和波利克塞纳,1814年`Hecuba and Polyxena, 1814 by Merry-Joseph Blondel

赫库巴和波利克塞纳,1814年`Hecuba and Polyxena, 1814 by Merry-Joseph Blondel

罗得和他的女儿离开所多玛`Lot and his Daughters leaving Sodom by Guido Reni

罗得和他的女儿离开所多玛`Lot and his Daughters leaving Sodom by Guido Reni

约翰·怀特·亚历山大夫人`Mrs. John White Alexander

约翰·怀特·亚历山大夫人`Mrs. John White Alexander

爱尔兰基尔代尔伯爵夫人伊丽莎白·琼斯`Elizabeth Jones, Countess Of Kildare, Ireland

爱尔兰基尔代尔伯爵夫人伊丽莎白·琼斯`Elizabeth Jones, Countess Of Kildare, Ireland

网球比赛,1885年`The Tennis Match, 1885 by Sir John Lavery

网球比赛,1885年`The Tennis Match, 1885 by Sir John Lavery

泰坦妮亚在仙女的保护下在月光下睡觉`Titania Sleeping In The Moonlight Protected By Her Fairies

泰坦妮亚在仙女的保护下在月光下睡觉`Titania Sleeping In The Moonlight Protected By Her Fairies

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