山石人字画 组图

艾达在室内用钢琴演奏`Ida in an Interior with Piano by Vilhelm Hammershoi

艾达在室内用钢琴演奏`Ida in an Interior with Piano by Vilhelm Hammershoi

波浪模糊了`The Wave-La Vague by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

波浪模糊了`The Wave-La Vague by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

维纳斯的诞生`The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

维纳斯的诞生`The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

《黑人的画像》,1800年`Portrait of a Negress, 1800 by Marie-Guillemine Benoist

《黑人的画像》,1800年`Portrait of a Negress, 1800 by Marie-Guillemine Benoist

约瑟菲娜·阿尔韦尔·德埃拉苏利兹`Josephina Alvear de Errazuriz

约瑟菲娜·阿尔韦尔·德埃拉苏利兹`Josephina Alvear de Errazuriz

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

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