秋天美甲图片2019 组图

查尔斯·凯特韦尔夫人,女演员`Mrs Charles Kettlewell, actress by Frederick Goodall

查尔斯·凯特韦尔夫人,女演员`Mrs Charles Kettlewell, actress by Frederick Goodall

海伦,1785-1795`Helen, 1785-1795 by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein

海伦,1785-1795`Helen, 1785-1795 by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein

《童贞子与音乐天使》,1630年`Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angels, 1630 by Anthony van Dyck

《童贞子与音乐天使》,1630年`Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angels, 1630 by Anthony van Dyck

The Girl in the North (ca. 1939)  by Paul Klee

北部的女孩` The Girl in the North (ca. 1939) by Paul Klee

理想,灵魂之诗`The Ideal, Poem of the Soul by Louis Janmot

理想,灵魂之诗`The Ideal, Poem of the Soul by Louis Janmot

转瞬即逝的喜悦`Evanescent Joy by Francesco Paglia

转瞬即逝的喜悦`Evanescent Joy by Francesco Paglia

1746年的《两个贞女》`Two Vestal Virgins, 1746 by Nicolaas Verkolje

1746年的《两个贞女》`Two Vestal Virgins, 1746 by Nicolaas Verkolje

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