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1627年,艺术家的妻子维吉尼亚·达·维佐饰演马格达伦`Virginia da Vezzo, the Artist\’s Wife, as the Magdalen, 1627 by Simon Vouet

1627年,艺术家的妻子维吉尼亚·达·维佐饰演马格达伦`Virginia da Vezzo, the Artist\’s Wife, as the Magdalen, 1627 by Simon Vouet

华尔兹,1893年`The Waltz, 1893 by Felix Vallotton

华尔兹,1893年`The Waltz, 1893 by Felix Vallotton

加略山`Calvary by Pieter Bruegel

加略山`Calvary by Pieter Bruegel

穿黄色连衣裙的女士`The Lady in the Yellow Dress by Charles Edward Perugini

穿黄色连衣裙的女士`The Lady in the Yellow Dress by Charles Edward Perugini

卖花女`The Flower Girl by Herbert Gustave Schmalz

卖花女`The Flower Girl by Herbert Gustave Schmalz

黑发裸体女孩,站立,1910年`Black-Haired Nude Girl, Standing, 1910 by Egon Schiele

黑发裸体女孩,站立,1910年`Black-Haired Nude Girl, Standing, 1910 by Egon Schiele

埃莉诺·厄克哈特小姐`Miss Eleanor Urquhart

埃莉诺·厄克哈特小姐`Miss Eleanor Urquhart

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