四时田园杂兴古诗风景画 组图

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

金鱼,1893年`Goldfish, 1893 by William Stephen Coleman

金鱼,1893年`Goldfish, 1893 by William Stephen Coleman

祈祷中的圣母`The Virgin in Prayer

祈祷中的圣母`The Virgin in Prayer

《秋千的快乐意外》,1767年`The Happy Accidents of the Swing, 1767 by Jean-Honore Fragonard

《秋千的快乐意外》,1767年`The Happy Accidents of the Swing, 1767 by Jean-Honore Fragonard

沐浴后的粉红色长袍`The Pink Robe After The Bath

沐浴后的粉红色长袍`The Pink Robe After The Bath

两个女人坐在室内,手里拿着一篮柠檬`Two Women in an Interior with a Basket of Lemons by Caspar Netscher

两个女人坐在室内,手里拿着一篮柠檬`Two Women in an Interior with a Basket of Lemons by Caspar Netscher

无罪,1891年`Innocence, 1891 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

无罪,1891年`Innocence, 1891 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

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