景德镇市主播字画批发 组图

玛丽亚在农场`Maria at La Granja by Joaquin Sorolla

玛丽亚在农场`Maria at La Granja by Joaquin Sorolla

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Johann Koerbecke

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Johann Koerbecke

粉色和蓝色,姐妹们,1881年`Pink and Blue, Sisters, 1881 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

粉色和蓝色,姐妹们,1881年`Pink and Blue, Sisters, 1881 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

波卡洪塔斯的洗礼`Baptism Of Pocahontas

波卡洪塔斯的洗礼`Baptism Of Pocahontas

爱尔兰女孩`The Irish Girl

爱尔兰女孩`The Irish Girl

一位女士和一只猫的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with a Cat by Adolph Pirsch

一位女士和一只猫的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with a Cat by Adolph Pirsch

为男孩准备面包和黄油的女人`A Woman Preparing Bread and Butter for a Boy

为男孩准备面包和黄油的女人`A Woman Preparing Bread and Butter for a Boy

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