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1426年的《公告》`Annunciation, 1426 by Fra Angelico

1426年的《公告》`Annunciation, 1426 by Fra Angelico

夫人在喷泉的庭院里 – 春天`
Lady in the garden at a fountain – Springtime (1926)  by Leon Kamir-Kaufmann

夫人在喷泉的庭院里 – 春天` Lady in the garden at a fountain – Springtime (1926) by Leon Kamir-Kaufmann

圣母与圣子,书中的圣母`The Virgin and Child, The Madonna of the Book by Sandro Botticelli

圣母与圣子,书中的圣母`The Virgin and Child, The Madonna of the Book by Sandro Botticelli

《囚犯》,1908年`The Prisoner, 1908 by Evelyn De Morgan

《囚犯》,1908年`The Prisoner, 1908 by Evelyn De Morgan

接待来访者的女士`A Lady Receiving Visitors

接待来访者的女士`A Lady Receiving Visitors

罗马法比奥拉圣像`Portrait of the Holy Fabiola of Rome by Jean-Jacques Henner

罗马法比奥拉圣像`Portrait of the Holy Fabiola of Rome by Jean-Jacques Henner

一位绅士开着一辆豪华轿车载着一位女士`A Gentleman driving a Lady in a Phaeton by George Stubbs

一位绅士开着一辆豪华轿车载着一位女士`A Gentleman driving a Lady in a Phaeton by George Stubbs

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