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摩尔人的洗浴`Moorish Bath by Jules Migonney

摩尔人的洗浴`Moorish Bath by Jules Migonney

潘多拉`Pandora by 奥迪隆·雷东

潘多拉`Pandora by 奥迪隆·雷东

大集市`The Grand Bazaar

大集市`The Grand Bazaar

这位艺术家的妻子卡罗琳·弗里德里希在德累斯顿的工作室里`The Artist\’s Wife Caroline Friedrich In His Studio In Dresden

这位艺术家的妻子卡罗琳·弗里德里希在德累斯顿的工作室里`The Artist\’s Wife Caroline Friedrich In His Studio In Dresden

森林里的会议`The meeting in the forest by Heywood Hardy

森林里的会议`The meeting in the forest by Heywood Hardy

戴花帽的女人`Woman in a Flowered Hat

戴花帽的女人`Woman in a Flowered Hat

圣母与圣子伊丽莎白与施洗约翰`Virgin and Child with Saints Elizabeth and John the Baptist by Quinten Massys

圣母与圣子伊丽莎白与施洗约翰`Virgin and Child with Saints Elizabeth and John the Baptist by Quinten Massys

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