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Little girl at a table with fruit (1908)  by Romuald Kamil Witkowski

一张桌的小女孩用果子` Little girl at a table with fruit (1908) by Romuald Kamil Witkowski

在床上亲吻`In Bed The Kiss

在床上亲吻`In Bed The Kiss

《洗衣女工》,1877-1879年`The Laundress, 1877-1879 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

《洗衣女工》,1877-1879年`The Laundress, 1877-1879 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Fra Angelico

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Fra Angelico

海滩上的优雅`Elegants on the Beach

海滩上的优雅`Elegants on the Beach

公园长椅上的两个女孩`Two Girls on a Park Bench  by Gustav Bartsch

公园长椅上的两个女孩`Two Girls on a Park Bench by Gustav Bartsch

假日阅读`Holiday Reading by Carl Larsson

假日阅读`Holiday Reading by Carl Larsson

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