北平秋天十二时辰图片 组图

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

苏珊·B·安东尼`Susan B Anthony

苏珊·B·安东尼`Susan B Anthony

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

Alphonsine熔炉`Alphonsine Fournaise by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Alphonsine熔炉`Alphonsine Fournaise by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

《儿童与死亡》,1899年`The Child and Death, 1899 by Edvard Munch

《儿童与死亡》,1899年`The Child and Death, 1899 by Edvard Munch

圣母登基,根特祭坛画`Virgin Enthroned, The Ghent Altarpiece by Jan van Eyck

圣母登基,根特祭坛画`Virgin Enthroned, The Ghent Altarpiece by Jan van Eyck

独角兽自卫` The Unicorn Defends Himself by Netherlandish School

独角兽自卫` The Unicorn Defends Himself by Netherlandish School

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