霍邱揽胜国画征稿启事 组图

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

1896年的耶稣诞生`The Nativity, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

1896年的耶稣诞生`The Nativity, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

古典美`A classical Beauty by Leon Comerre

古典美`A classical Beauty by Leon Comerre

麦当娜和孩子与男性圣徒、亚历山大的凯瑟琳和捐赠者`Madonna and Child with a Male Saint, Catherine of Alexandria and a Donor by Michelangelo di Pietro Membrini

麦当娜和孩子与男性圣徒、亚历山大的凯瑟琳和捐赠者`Madonna and Child with a Male Saint, Catherine of Alexandria and a Donor by Michelangelo di Pietro Membrini

圣新娘`Saint Bride by John Duncan

圣新娘`Saint Bride by John Duncan

《麦当娜与孩子》,1480-1485年`Madonna and Child, 1480-1485 by Giovanni Bellini

《麦当娜与孩子》,1480-1485年`Madonna and Child, 1480-1485 by Giovanni Bellini

美杜莎,蛇发女怪`Medusa, Gorgon by Vincenzo Gemito

美杜莎,蛇发女怪`Medusa, Gorgon by Vincenzo Gemito

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