国画庆元旦迎新年 组图

1888-1890年,一位年轻女子在给自己化妆`Young Woman Powdering Herself, 1888-1890 by Georges Seurat

1888-1890年,一位年轻女子在给自己化妆`Young Woman Powdering Herself, 1888-1890 by Georges Seurat

Reclining woman (1924)  by Georges Valmier

斜倚的女人` Reclining woman (1924) by Georges Valmier

《黑猎鹰》中的鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺`Rudolph Valentino in the Black Falcon by Federico Beltran Masses

《黑猎鹰》中的鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺`Rudolph Valentino in the Black Falcon by Federico Beltran Masses

贝多芬的雕带,敌对势力`Beethoven Frieze, The Hostile Powers by Gustav Klimt

贝多芬的雕带,敌对势力`Beethoven Frieze, The Hostile Powers by Gustav Klimt

假小子`The Tomboy

假小子`The Tomboy

肉体的快乐`The Pleasures of the Flesh by Pieter Aertsen

肉体的快乐`The Pleasures of the Flesh by Pieter Aertsen

在慕尼黑霍夫劳豪斯`In The Munich Hofbrauhaus

在慕尼黑霍夫劳豪斯`In The Munich Hofbrauhaus

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