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安菲莎的女人,1887年`The Women of Amphissa, 1887 by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

安菲莎的女人,1887年`The Women of Amphissa, 1887 by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

1390年圣母与六位天使的加冕礼`The Coronation of the Virgin with Six Angels, 1390 by Agnolo Gaddi

1390年圣母与六位天使的加冕礼`The Coronation of the Virgin with Six Angels, 1390 by Agnolo Gaddi

牡丹姑娘`Young Woman With Peonies

牡丹姑娘`Young Woman With Peonies

无瑕受孕,1632年`Immaculate Conception, 1632 by Francisco de Zurbaran

无瑕受孕,1632年`Immaculate Conception, 1632 by Francisco de Zurbaran

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

尤利西斯与赛壬`Ulysses and the Sirens by Leon Belly

尤利西斯与赛壬`Ulysses and the Sirens by Leon Belly

瓜达卢佩圣母,1771年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1771 by Jose de Paez

瓜达卢佩圣母,1771年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1771 by Jose de Paez

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