四尺四开兰花国画 组图

这位艺术家和他的家人`The Artist And His Family

这位艺术家和他的家人`The Artist And His Family

蓬帕杜夫人,1754年`Madame de Pompadour, 1754 by Francois Boucher

蓬帕杜夫人,1754年`Madame de Pompadour, 1754 by Francois Boucher

一名埃及男子带着孩子`Egyptian Fellah Woman with her Child

一名埃及男子带着孩子`Egyptian Fellah Woman with her Child

马赛克裸体研究,威斯康星州议会大厦,自由,1913年`Nude Study for Mosaic, Wisconsin State Capitol, Liberty, 1913 by Kenyon Cox

马赛克裸体研究,威斯康星州议会大厦,自由,1913年`Nude Study for Mosaic, Wisconsin State Capitol, Liberty, 1913 by Kenyon Cox

李子白兰地酒`Plum Brandy

李子白兰地酒`Plum Brandy

《绿叶中的女孩》,1896年`Girl in the Foliage, 1896 by Gustav Klimt

《绿叶中的女孩》,1896年`Girl in the Foliage, 1896 by Gustav Klimt

箭领,粗呢衬衫`Arrow Collars, Cluett Shirts by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

箭领,粗呢衬衫`Arrow Collars, Cluett Shirts by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

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