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Girl Reading (1921 ~ 1922)  by Magnus Enckell

女孩读书` Girl Reading (1921 ~ 1922) by Magnus Enckell

大集市`The Grand Bazaar

大集市`The Grand Bazaar

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

托儿所`The Nursery

托儿所`The Nursery

1922年,五只生锈的老鼠如何帮助发现了一个新的村庄,Rootabaga Stories`How the Five Rusty Rats Helped Find a New Village, Rootabaga Stories, 1922 by Robert Lawson

1922年,五只生锈的老鼠如何帮助发现了一个新的村庄,Rootabaga Stories`How the Five Rusty Rats Helped Find a New Village, Rootabaga Stories, 1922 by Robert Lawson

年轻工人`Young Worker

年轻工人`Young Worker

1914年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1914 by John William Waterhouse

1914年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1914 by John William Waterhouse

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