国画李秉林 组图

女性形象,吹泡泡,骑着飞马飞过一座工业城市,1837年`Female figure, blowing bubbles, riding Pegasus over an industrial city, 1837 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel

女性形象,吹泡泡,骑着飞马飞过一座工业城市,1837年`Female figure, blowing bubbles, riding Pegasus over an industrial city, 1837 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel

神秘的水`The Mysterious Water by Ernest Bieler

神秘的水`The Mysterious Water by Ernest Bieler

嘉年华,皮埃雷特和小丑`Carnival, Pierrette and Clown by Max Beckmann

嘉年华,皮埃雷特和小丑`Carnival, Pierrette and Clown by Max Beckmann

1903年塞维利亚的春天`Spring in Seville, 1903 by Jose Jimenez Aranda

1903年塞维利亚的春天`Spring in Seville, 1903 by Jose Jimenez Aranda

天地三位一体`The Trinities of Earth and Sky by Andres Lopez

天地三位一体`The Trinities of Earth and Sky by Andres Lopez

年轻的圣母玛利亚画像`Portrait of the Young Virgin Mary by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

年轻的圣母玛利亚画像`Portrait of the Young Virgin Mary by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

休息`Rest by Victor Gabriel Gilbert

休息`Rest by Victor Gabriel Gilbert

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