秋天绿色水草图片 组图

采摘玫瑰的人`The Rose Picker by Anton Romako

采摘玫瑰的人`The Rose Picker by Anton Romako

五一上午`May Day Morning by Edwin Austin Abbey

五一上午`May Day Morning by Edwin Austin Abbey

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图2`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.2 by Giulio Romano

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图2`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.2 by Giulio Romano

把它扔进水里,夏天还能看到它`Pitched it Sheer into the Water, Where it is still seen in the Summer by Frederic Remington

把它扔进水里,夏天还能看到它`Pitched it Sheer into the Water, Where it is still seen in the Summer by Frederic Remington

Little girl’s head (1920)  by Tadeusz Makowski

小女孩的头` Little girl’s head (1920) by Tadeusz Makowski

麦当娜祈祷曲,1609-1685`Madonna at Prayer, 1609-1685 by Sassoferrato

麦当娜祈祷曲,1609-1685`Madonna at Prayer, 1609-1685 by Sassoferrato

模特休息,1889年`Model Resting, 1889 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

模特休息,1889年`Model Resting, 1889 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

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