湖州的秋天图片 组图

鹰头-马萨诸塞州曼彻斯特`Eagle Head – Manchester Massachusetts

鹰头-马萨诸塞州曼彻斯特`Eagle Head – Manchester Massachusetts

来自巴黎圣克劳德公园`From St. Cloud Park, Paris by Albert Edelfelt

来自巴黎圣克劳德公园`From St. Cloud Park, Paris by Albert Edelfelt

戴珍珠项链的年轻女子,1662年`Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace, 1662 by 维米尔

戴珍珠项链的年轻女子,1662年`Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace, 1662 by 维米尔

《年轻的东方女人》,1838年`The Young Eastern Woman, 1838 by Friedrich Amerling

《年轻的东方女人》,1838年`The Young Eastern Woman, 1838 by Friedrich Amerling

麦克白夫人,1784年`Lady Macbeth, 1784 by Henry Fuseli

麦克白夫人,1784年`Lady Macbeth, 1784 by Henry Fuseli

维珍通告,1450-1455`Virgin Annunciate, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

维珍通告,1450-1455`Virgin Annunciate, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

史蒂文森纪念馆,1903年`Stevenson Memorial, 1903 by Abbott Handerson Thayer

史蒂文森纪念馆,1903年`Stevenson Memorial, 1903 by Abbott Handerson Thayer

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