小猪和母猪的国画 组图

绘画寓言`Allegory of Painting by Jacob Toorenvliet

绘画寓言`Allegory of Painting by Jacob Toorenvliet

盛宴我们的玫瑰圣母`Feast Our Lady of the Rosary by Albrecht Durer

盛宴我们的玫瑰圣母`Feast Our Lady of the Rosary by Albrecht Durer

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Gentile da Fabriano

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Gentile da Fabriano

《女子与孩子》,1454年`Virgin and Child, 1454 by Dieric Bouts

《女子与孩子》,1454年`Virgin and Child, 1454 by Dieric Bouts

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

图纸十二`Drawings XII by Egon Schiele

图纸十二`Drawings XII by Egon Schiele

三十年战争期间教堂庭院的围攻防御`The Siege-Defense of a Church Courtyard During the Thirty Years War by Karl Frederich Lessing

三十年战争期间教堂庭院的围攻防御`The Siege-Defense of a Church Courtyard During the Thirty Years War by Karl Frederich Lessing

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