国画作品馆藏画 组图

丘比特受到惩罚,1613年`Cupid Chastised, 1613 by Bartolomeo Manfredi

丘比特受到惩罚,1613年`Cupid Chastised, 1613 by Bartolomeo Manfredi

莫斯科州的家谱,弗拉基米尔夫人,1668年`Genealogy of the state of Muscovy, Panegyric to Our Lady of Vladimir, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

莫斯科州的家谱,弗拉基米尔夫人,1668年`Genealogy of the state of Muscovy, Panegyric to Our Lady of Vladimir, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

鲁比·洛夫特斯用臀环`Ruby Loftus Screwing A Breech Ring

鲁比·洛夫特斯用臀环`Ruby Loftus Screwing A Breech Ring

被圣洁的无辜者包围的圣母和孩子`The Virgin and Child surrounded by the Holy Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens

被圣洁的无辜者包围的圣母和孩子`The Virgin and Child surrounded by the Holy Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens

安菲莎的女人,1887年`The Women of Amphissa, 1887 by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

安菲莎的女人,1887年`The Women of Amphissa, 1887 by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

原始森林中的猴子和鹦鹉,1906年`Monkeys and Parrot in the Virgin Forest, 1906 by Henri Rousseau

原始森林中的猴子和鹦鹉,1906年`Monkeys and Parrot in the Virgin Forest, 1906 by Henri Rousseau

在家里,和平与安宁属于我们。`Requiem et Pacem Nobis Dom by Simeon Solomon

在家里,和平与安宁属于我们。`Requiem et Pacem Nobis Dom by Simeon Solomon

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