秋天五光十色图片 组图

免于匮乏`Freedom From Want

免于匮乏`Freedom From Want

鸢尾花床`The Iris Bed by Charles Courtney Curran

鸢尾花床`The Iris Bed by Charles Courtney Curran

圣塞西莉亚,1895年`Saint Cecilia, 1895 by John William Waterhouse

圣塞西莉亚,1895年`Saint Cecilia, 1895 by John William Waterhouse

圣母玛利亚和大天使加布里埃尔`The Annunciation, Virgin Mary and Archangel Gabriel by Jan van Eyck

圣母玛利亚和大天使加布里埃尔`The Annunciation, Virgin Mary and Archangel Gabriel by Jan van Eyck



角色`Rolla by Henri Gervex

角色`Rolla by Henri Gervex

金鱼,1893年`Goldfish, 1893 by William Stephen Coleman

金鱼,1893年`Goldfish, 1893 by William Stephen Coleman

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