六月的秋天图片 组图

一个女孩的肖像,Gabrielle Lenbach的画像,1898`Portrait of a Girl, Portrait of Gabrielle Lenbach, 1898 by Franz von Lenbac

一个女孩的肖像,Gabrielle Lenbach的画像,1898`Portrait of a Girl, Portrait of Gabrielle Lenbach, 1898 by Franz von Lenbac

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

1813年,一个家庭在天堂的聚会`The Meeting of a Family in Heaven, 1813 by William Blake

1813年,一个家庭在天堂的聚会`The Meeting of a Family in Heaven, 1813 by William Blake

顺便`The Way

顺便`The Way

安吉拉·麦克因内斯`Angela Mc Inness

安吉拉·麦克因内斯`Angela Mc Inness

1923年的雪夜`Snowy Night, 1923 by Ito Shinsui

1923年的雪夜`Snowy Night, 1923 by Ito Shinsui

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

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