帮我找些风景画 组图

1903年塞维利亚的春天`Spring in Seville, 1903 by Jose Jimenez Aranda

1903年塞维利亚的春天`Spring in Seville, 1903 by Jose Jimenez Aranda

爱丽丝·范德比尔特·谢泼德,1888年`Alice Vanderbilt Shepard, 1888 by John Singer Sargent

爱丽丝·范德比尔特·谢泼德,1888年`Alice Vanderbilt Shepard, 1888 by John Singer Sargent

她对《圣女贞德》系列的吸引力`Her Appeal to the Dauphin, Joan of Arc series by Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel

她对《圣女贞德》系列的吸引力`Her Appeal to the Dauphin, Joan of Arc series by Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel

塔蒂亚娜·尤苏波娃公主肖像`Portrait Of Princess Tatyana Yusupova

塔蒂亚娜·尤苏波娃公主肖像`Portrait Of Princess Tatyana Yusupova

三个守护天使`Three Guardian Angel by Franz Kadlik

三个守护天使`Three Guardian Angel by Franz Kadlik

牧羊人的崇拜`The Adoration of the Shepherds by Italian Neapolitan

牧羊人的崇拜`The Adoration of the Shepherds by Italian Neapolitan

时间命令衰老破坏美丽`Time Orders Old Age to Destroy Beauty by Pompeo Batoni

时间命令衰老破坏美丽`Time Orders Old Age to Destroy Beauty by Pompeo Batoni

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