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The Girl in the North (ca. 1939)  by Paul Klee

北部的女孩` The Girl in the North (ca. 1939) by Paul Klee

招待会后`After The Reception

招待会后`After The Reception

威尼斯的一条街,1882年`A Street in Venice, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

威尼斯的一条街,1882年`A Street in Venice, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

期望值,1900年`Expectation, 1900 by John William Godward

期望值,1900年`Expectation, 1900 by John William Godward

孤独的女子`Virgin Of Solitude

孤独的女子`Virgin Of Solitude

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

马勒小径,白山`The Bridle Path, White Mountains by Winslow Homer

马勒小径,白山`The Bridle Path, White Mountains by Winslow Homer

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