葫芦岛国画培训 组图

路易斯·艾斯纳,后来成为敖德沙基公主`Luise Eisner, Later Princess Odeschalchi

路易斯·艾斯纳,后来成为敖德沙基公主`Luise Eisner, Later Princess Odeschalchi

丘比特与灵魂之屋`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

丘比特与灵魂之屋`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

云雀之歌`The Song of the Lark by Sophie Anderson

云雀之歌`The Song of the Lark by Sophie Anderson

地中海游艇`Yachting in the Mediterranean

地中海游艇`Yachting in the Mediterranean

雨伞,1881-1886`The Umbrellas, 1881-1886 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

雨伞,1881-1886`The Umbrellas, 1881-1886 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

圣玛丽娜殉道者`Saint Marina, Martyr by Francisco de Zurbaran

圣玛丽娜殉道者`Saint Marina, Martyr by Francisco de Zurbaran

塔希提岛生活场景,1896年`Scene from tahitian life, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

塔希提岛生活场景,1896年`Scene from tahitian life, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

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