西班牙秋天图片 组图

母亲与孩子,1880年`Mother and Child, 1880 by Alfred Stevens

母亲与孩子,1880年`Mother and Child, 1880 by Alfred Stevens

带来咖啡的突尼斯女孩卡迪亚`Kadija the Tunisian Girl Bringing Coffee by Hermann Katsch

带来咖啡的突尼斯女孩卡迪亚`Kadija the Tunisian Girl Bringing Coffee by Hermann Katsch

约1864年,梅纳德家族追求的宾修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, c. 1864 by Charles Gleyre

约1864年,梅纳德家族追求的宾修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, c. 1864 by Charles Gleyre

一群朝圣者`Crowd Of Pilgrims

一群朝圣者`Crowd Of Pilgrims

白日梦`Day Dream by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

白日梦`Day Dream by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

罗马的奴隶市场`The slave market in Rome by Jean-Leon Gerome

罗马的奴隶市场`The slave market in Rome by Jean-Leon Gerome

伊冯在门阶上`Yvonne on the Doorstep by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

伊冯在门阶上`Yvonne on the Doorstep by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

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