创意风景画蓝天花朵 组图

盲人妇女,1916年`Blind Woman, 1916 by Paul Strand

盲人妇女,1916年`Blind Woman, 1916 by Paul Strand

打网球比赛`Played, Tennis Match by Sir John Lavery

打网球比赛`Played, Tennis Match by Sir John Lavery

《女子与孩子》,1888年`Virgin and Child, 1888 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

《女子与孩子》,1888年`Virgin and Child, 1888 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

霍迪吉特里亚之母,1502-1503年`The Mother of God Hodigitria, 1502 – 1503 by Dionysius and Workshop

霍迪吉特里亚之母,1502-1503年`The Mother of God Hodigitria, 1502 – 1503 by Dionysius and Workshop

拿着一盘水果的女奴`Female Slave with a Plate of Fruit by Jules Joseph Lefebvre

拿着一盘水果的女奴`Female Slave with a Plate of Fruit by Jules Joseph Lefebvre

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

三姐妹`Three Sisters

三姐妹`Three Sisters

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