中国画学谱一花鸟卷一藤蔓 组图

有孩子的麦当娜,1616-1686年`Madonna with Child, 1616-1686 by Carlo Dolci

有孩子的麦当娜,1616-1686年`Madonna with Child, 1616-1686 by Carlo Dolci

贫瘠之树的女神`Our Lady of the Barren Tree by Petrus Christus

贫瘠之树的女神`Our Lady of the Barren Tree by Petrus Christus

毕业舞会之后`After the Prom

毕业舞会之后`After the Prom

室内肖像画`Interior with Portraits

室内肖像画`Interior with Portraits

夜店`The Night Cafe

夜店`The Night Cafe

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

一位女士的肖像,1490年`Portrait of a Lady, 1490 by Domenico Ghirlandaio

一位女士的肖像,1490年`Portrait of a Lady, 1490 by Domenico Ghirlandaio

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