金陵虾王国画作品欣赏 组图

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

Profile Portrait of a Girl by Otto Friedrich

简介女孩的肖像` Profile Portrait of a Girl by Otto Friedrich



卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Steiler

卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Steiler

Girl (1900 ~ 1937)  by Eero Järnefelt

女孩` Girl (1900 ~ 1937) by Eero Järnefelt

卢卡·麦当娜`The Lucca Madonna

卢卡·麦当娜`The Lucca Madonna

卡林·奥斯伯格夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Carin Ostberg by Axel Torneman

卡林·奥斯伯格夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Carin Ostberg by Axel Torneman

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