陈永根国画 组图

饮料广告`Advertisement for a Beverage by Popular Graphic Arts

饮料广告`Advertisement for a Beverage by Popular Graphic Arts

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

列达与天鹅`Leda and the Swan by Paul Cezanne

列达与天鹅`Leda and the Swan by Paul Cezanne

圣母玛利亚与婴儿圣约翰浸信会,1635年`Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1635 by Carlo Dolci

圣母玛利亚与婴儿圣约翰浸信会,1635年`Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1635 by Carlo Dolci

修道院屋内有美塞达利修女的场景`Convent Interior With Scenes Of Mercedarian Nuns

修道院屋内有美塞达利修女的场景`Convent Interior With Scenes Of Mercedarian Nuns

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

卖花人`The flower seller by Auguste Serrure

卖花人`The flower seller by Auguste Serrure

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