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梅勒盖奇和亚特兰大猎杀卡利多尼亚野猪`Meleager And Atalanta Hunting The Calydonian Boar by Peter Paul Rubens

梅勒盖奇和亚特兰大猎杀卡利多尼亚野猪`Meleager And Atalanta Hunting The Calydonian Boar by Peter Paul Rubens

麦当娜与孩子,1855年`Madonna and Child, 1855 by Franz Ittenbach

麦当娜与孩子,1855年`Madonna and Child, 1855 by Franz Ittenbach

孩子的爱抚`The Child\’s Caress

孩子的爱抚`The Child\’s Caress

雨伞`The Umbrellas

雨伞`The Umbrellas

夏天的海边`By summer seas by Herbert James Draper

夏天的海边`By summer seas by Herbert James Draper

公主和猴子`The Princess and the Monkey

公主和猴子`The Princess and the Monkey

泽奈德和夏洛特·波拿巴姐妹`The Sisters Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte by Jacques-Louis David

泽奈德和夏洛特·波拿巴姐妹`The Sisters Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte by Jacques-Louis David

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