吴湖帆国画南乡旧梦 组图

激情,爱情,阳台场景,卡普莱特的果园,罗密欧和朱丽叶,第三幕,第五场`The Passions, Love, The Balcony Scene, Capulet\’s Orchard, Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene V by Richard Dadd

激情,爱情,阳台场景,卡普莱特的果园,罗密欧和朱丽叶,第三幕,第五场`The Passions, Love, The Balcony Scene, Capulet\’s Orchard, Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene V by Richard Dadd

猎杀独角兽`The Hunt of the Unicorn by Netherlandish School

猎杀独角兽`The Hunt of the Unicorn by Netherlandish School

德拉迈特里亚伯爵夫人`Countess de la Maitrie

德拉迈特里亚伯爵夫人`Countess de la Maitrie

帕拉斯和半人马`Pallas and Centaur  by Sandro Botticelli

帕拉斯和半人马`Pallas and Centaur by Sandro Botticelli

激动人心的雪橇之旅`Exciting Toboggan Ride

激动人心的雪橇之旅`Exciting Toboggan Ride

甜蜜的爱抚`Sweet Caress by Louis Icart

甜蜜的爱抚`Sweet Caress by Louis Icart

戴粉色帽子的女孩`Girl with Pink Bonnet by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

戴粉色帽子的女孩`Girl with Pink Bonnet by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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