苏州大学跨考国画 组图

冥想`Meditation by Alfred Stevens

冥想`Meditation by Alfred Stevens

泽奈德和夏洛特·波拿巴姐妹`The Sisters Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte by Jacques-Louis David

泽奈德和夏洛特·波拿巴姐妹`The Sisters Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte by Jacques-Louis David

桃子女孩`Girl with Peaches

桃子女孩`Girl with Peaches

Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz肖像`Portrait of Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz

Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz肖像`Portrait of Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz

奥普詹·科皮特的肖像`Portrait of Oopjen Coppit

奥普詹·科皮特的肖像`Portrait of Oopjen Coppit

两个优雅的女人`Two Elegant Woman by Louis Anquetin

两个优雅的女人`Two Elegant Woman by Louis Anquetin

冰上的冬季乐趣`Winter Pleasure on the Ice by Adolf Statemann

冰上的冬季乐趣`Winter Pleasure on the Ice by Adolf Statemann

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