外出国画写生 组图

福利尼奥的麦当娜,1511年`Madonna of Foligno, 1511 by Raphael

福利尼奥的麦当娜,1511年`Madonna of Foligno, 1511 by Raphael

圣母无原罪始胎`The Immaculate Conception by Diego Velazquez

圣母无原罪始胎`The Immaculate Conception by Diego Velazquez

埃及卢浮宫和狮身人面像`Egyptian Room of Louvre and Great Sphinx by Guillaume Larrue

埃及卢浮宫和狮身人面像`Egyptian Room of Louvre and Great Sphinx by Guillaume Larrue

Woman in a Garden (1882 83)  by Berthe Morisot

妇女在庭院里` Woman in a Garden (1882 83) by Berthe Morisot

箭领广告,1910年`Arrow Collar advertisement, 1910 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

箭领广告,1910年`Arrow Collar advertisement, 1910 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

失恋的`Lovelorn by Alfred Stevens

失恋的`Lovelorn by Alfred Stevens

红色校舍`The Red School House by Winslow Homer

红色校舍`The Red School House by Winslow Homer

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