高玉国画 组图

一封难懂的信`A Difficult Letter by William A Breakspeare

一封难懂的信`A Difficult Letter by William A Breakspeare

窗前的年轻女孩`Young Girl At A Window

窗前的年轻女孩`Young Girl At A Window

一个拿着花的年轻女子的半身像`Bust of a young woman with a flower by Giovanni Boldini

一个拿着花的年轻女子的半身像`Bust of a young woman with a flower by Giovanni Boldini

Marchesa Luisa Casati和一只灰狗`Marchesa Luisa Casati, with a greyhound

Marchesa Luisa Casati和一只灰狗`Marchesa Luisa Casati, with a greyhound

蒙马特花园与恋人`Garden in Montmartre with Lovers

蒙马特花园与恋人`Garden in Montmartre with Lovers

时间命令衰老破坏美丽`Time Orders Old Age to Destroy Beauty by Pompeo Batoni

时间命令衰老破坏美丽`Time Orders Old Age to Destroy Beauty by Pompeo Batoni

所罗门小姐`The Misses Salomon

所罗门小姐`The Misses Salomon

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