央美工笔国画 组图

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

罗马的奴隶市场`The slave market in Rome by Jean-Leon Gerome

罗马的奴隶市场`The slave market in Rome by Jean-Leon Gerome

《勇气、焦虑和绝望,观看战斗》,1850年`Courage, Anxiety and Despair, Watching the Battle, 1850 by James Sant

《勇气、焦虑和绝望,观看战斗》,1850年`Courage, Anxiety and Despair, Watching the Battle, 1850 by James Sant

一个拿着剑的非洲人`An African with a Sword by Flemish School

一个拿着剑的非洲人`An African with a Sword by Flemish School

时间命令衰老破坏美丽`Time Orders Old Age to Destroy Beauty by Pompeo Batoni

时间命令衰老破坏美丽`Time Orders Old Age to Destroy Beauty by Pompeo Batoni

女子钩编,1875年`Woman Crocheting, 1875 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

女子钩编,1875年`Woman Crocheting, 1875 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

沃尔德格拉夫夫人`The Ladies Waldegrave

沃尔德格拉夫夫人`The Ladies Waldegrave

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