儿童画与国画的结合有什么好处 组图

Head of a little girl in a blue dress (1919)  by Tadeusz Makowski

一个蓝色礼服的一个小女孩的头` Head of a little girl in a blue dress (1919) by Tadeusz Makowski

盛开的苹果树`Apple Trees In Bloom

盛开的苹果树`Apple Trees In Bloom

披着绿色披肩的女人`Woman With Green Shawl

披着绿色披肩的女人`Woman With Green Shawl

1931年,美国禁酒,藏瓶朗姆酒`U. S. Alcohol Prohibition, conceal Bottles of Rum, 1931 by American History

1931年,美国禁酒,藏瓶朗姆酒`U. S. Alcohol Prohibition, conceal Bottles of Rum, 1931 by American History

伊丽莎·里奇利,拿着竖琴的女士`Eliza Ridgely, Lady with a Harp by Thomas Sully

伊丽莎·里奇利,拿着竖琴的女士`Eliza Ridgely, Lady with a Harp by Thomas Sully

娜塔莉亚·冈沙洛娃和米哈伊尔·拉里奥诺夫的肖像`Portrait of Natalia Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov by Aleksei Morgunov

娜塔莉亚·冈沙洛娃和米哈伊尔·拉里奥诺夫的肖像`Portrait of Natalia Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov by Aleksei Morgunov

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

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