戴敦邦精品国画 组图

通知天使,1450-1455`Annunciatory Angel, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

通知天使,1450-1455`Annunciatory Angel, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

我叔叔丹尼尔和他的家人`My Uncle Daniel And His Family

我叔叔丹尼尔和他的家人`My Uncle Daniel And His Family

维纳斯从海上升起——一个骗局`Venus Rising from the Sea – A Deception

维纳斯从海上升起——一个骗局`Venus Rising from the Sea – A Deception

塞西莉亚·加莱拉尼,戴着貂皮的女士`Cecilia Gallerani, The Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci

塞西莉亚·加莱拉尼,戴着貂皮的女士`Cecilia Gallerani, The Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci

芭蕾舞女演员调整肩带`Ballerina Adjusting her Shoulder Strap by Pierre Carrier-Belluse

芭蕾舞女演员调整肩带`Ballerina Adjusting her Shoulder Strap by Pierre Carrier-Belluse

移民`Emigrants by James Tissot

移民`Emigrants by James Tissot

夜市`The Night Market by Petrus van Schendel

夜市`The Night Market by Petrus van Schendel

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