竖幅梅花国画作品 组图

格尔达和埃琳,花园里的肖像群`Gerda and Elin, Portrait Group in a Garden by August Jerndorff

格尔达和埃琳,花园里的肖像群`Gerda and Elin, Portrait Group in a Garden by August Jerndorff

公告`The Annunciation by Jan Janssens

公告`The Annunciation by Jan Janssens

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

在教堂里`In The Church

在教堂里`In The Church

美杜莎,蛇发女怪`Medusa, Gorgon by Vincenzo Gemito

美杜莎,蛇发女怪`Medusa, Gorgon by Vincenzo Gemito

娜娜`Nana by Eduard Manet

娜娜`Nana by Eduard Manet

女性形象,吹泡泡,骑着飞马飞过一座工业城市,1837年`Female figure, blowing bubbles, riding Pegasus over an industrial city, 1837 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel

女性形象,吹泡泡,骑着飞马飞过一座工业城市,1837年`Female figure, blowing bubbles, riding Pegasus over an industrial city, 1837 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel

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