国画竖幅猴图片 组图

基督与撒马利亚女人,1619-1620年`Christ and the Woman of Samaria, 1619-1620 by Guercino

基督与撒马利亚女人,1619-1620年`Christ and the Woman of Samaria, 1619-1620 by Guercino

钢琴上的女人,1875-1876`Woman at the Piano, 1875-1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

钢琴上的女人,1875-1876`Woman at the Piano, 1875-1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰福音派哀悼,1460年`The Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, 1460 by Rogier van der Weyden

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰福音派哀悼,1460年`The Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, 1460 by Rogier van der Weyden

美国克利夫兰夫人`A Lady of Cleveland USA

美国克利夫兰夫人`A Lady of Cleveland USA

南伍德·格雷厄姆肖像`Portrait of Nan Wood Graham by Grant Wood

南伍德·格雷厄姆肖像`Portrait of Nan Wood Graham by Grant Wood

Old Woman (1935–1944)  by Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan

老太太` Old Woman (1935–1944) by Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan

所罗门王的偶像崇拜`The Idolatry Of King Solomon

所罗门王的偶像崇拜`The Idolatry Of King Solomon

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