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博亚琳娜·莫罗佐娃`Boyarina Morozova

博亚琳娜·莫罗佐娃`Boyarina Morozova

后宫女孩们在阳台上休息,远处的海岸`Harem girls resting on a terrace, the coast beyond by Fabio Fabbi

后宫女孩们在阳台上休息,远处的海岸`Harem girls resting on a terrace, the coast beyond by Fabio Fabbi

在圣三一教堂的礼拜后`After The Service At The Church Of The Holy Trinity

在圣三一教堂的礼拜后`After The Service At The Church Of The Holy Trinity

珍妮和吉纳维芙,1915年`Jenny and Genevieve, 1915 by Florine Stettheimer

珍妮和吉纳维芙,1915年`Jenny and Genevieve, 1915 by Florine Stettheimer

查尔斯·吉福德·戴尔夫人,玛丽·安东尼`Mrs. Charles Gifford Dyer, Mary Anthony by John Singer Sargent

查尔斯·吉福德·戴尔夫人,玛丽·安东尼`Mrs. Charles Gifford Dyer, Mary Anthony by John Singer Sargent

戴貂皮的女士,1489年`Lady with an Ermine, 1489 by Leonardo da Vinci

戴貂皮的女士,1489年`Lady with an Ermine, 1489 by Leonardo da Vinci

阳台上的年轻女子`Young Woman on a Balcony by Raphael

阳台上的年轻女子`Young Woman on a Balcony by Raphael

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