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在La Mie咖啡馆`At the Cafe La Mie

在La Mie咖啡馆`At the Cafe La Mie

阿拉贝拉·沃德夫人`Lady Arabella Ward

阿拉贝拉·沃德夫人`Lady Arabella Ward

秋天的寓言`Allegory of Autumn by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts

秋天的寓言`Allegory of Autumn by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts

乔塞特·格里斯的肖像,1916年`Portrait of Josette Gris, 1916 by Juan Gris

乔塞特·格里斯的肖像,1916年`Portrait of Josette Gris, 1916 by Juan Gris

多拉·惠勒肖像,1883年`Portrait of Dora Wheeler, 1883 by William Merritt Chase

多拉·惠勒肖像,1883年`Portrait of Dora Wheeler, 1883 by William Merritt Chase

Madonna and Child Surrounded by Female Saints (1600–1678)  by Female Saints by Joseph Heintz The Elder

麦当娜和孩子被包围了` Madonna and Child Surrounded by Female Saints (1600–1678) by Female Saints by Joseph Heintz The Elder

Beatrice Townsend小姐`Miss Beatrice Townsend

Beatrice Townsend小姐`Miss Beatrice Townsend

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