中国画放大课图 组图

两个孩子在教一只猫`Two Children Teaching A Cat

两个孩子在教一只猫`Two Children Teaching A Cat

四重奏,一位画家向音乐致敬`The Quartet, a Painters Tribute to Music by Albert Joseph Moore

四重奏,一位画家向音乐致敬`The Quartet, a Painters Tribute to Music by Albert Joseph Moore

一个打扮成猎人的孩子带着死鸟和死狗`A Child Dressed As A Hunter With Dead Bird And Dog

一个打扮成猎人的孩子带着死鸟和死狗`A Child Dressed As A Hunter With Dead Bird And Dog

女帽店,1886年`The Millinery Shop, 1886 by Edgar Degas

女帽店,1886年`The Millinery Shop, 1886 by Edgar Degas

兰巴勒公主萨伏伊的玛丽·特蕾丝·路易丝画像`Portrait of Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe by Jean-Baptiste Charpentier the Elder

兰巴勒公主萨伏伊的玛丽·特蕾丝·路易丝画像`Portrait of Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe by Jean-Baptiste Charpentier the Elder

我们的悲伤女神,1883年`Our Lady of Sorrows, 1883 by Pedro Americo

我们的悲伤女神,1883年`Our Lady of Sorrows, 1883 by Pedro Americo

7月14日巴黎`14th July Paris

7月14日巴黎`14th July Paris

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