国画闫老师 组图

女魔法师`The Sorceress

女魔法师`The Sorceress

格雷斯·雷丁在豪斯湾`Grace Reading At Howth Bay

格雷斯·雷丁在豪斯湾`Grace Reading At Howth Bay

1888年《揭开面纱》`Unmasked, 1888 by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

1888年《揭开面纱》`Unmasked, 1888 by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

艾米·奥古斯塔的肖像,柯勒律治夫人`Portrait of Amy Augusta, Lady Coleridge by Frederic Leighton

艾米·奥古斯塔的肖像,柯勒律治夫人`Portrait of Amy Augusta, Lady Coleridge by Frederic Leighton

为斗牛做准备,1903年`Preparation for a Bullfight, 1903 by Ignacio Zuloaga

为斗牛做准备,1903年`Preparation for a Bullfight, 1903 by Ignacio Zuloaga

兄弟姐妹`Brother And Sister

兄弟姐妹`Brother And Sister

1884年在罗马出售一名女奴`Sale of a Slave Girl in Rome, 1884 by Jean-Leon Gerome

1884年在罗马出售一名女奴`Sale of a Slave Girl in Rome, 1884 by Jean-Leon Gerome

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