中国画中飞白 组图

穿着土耳其连衣裙的南希·帕克`Nancy Parker In Turkish Dress

穿着土耳其连衣裙的南希·帕克`Nancy Parker In Turkish Dress

玛丽·约瑟夫·范·萨克森肖像`Portrait of Marie Josephe van Saksen

玛丽·约瑟夫·范·萨克森肖像`Portrait of Marie Josephe van Saksen

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

在一群圣徒面前出现的女子和孩子`The Virgin and Child appearing to a Group of Saints by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

在一群圣徒面前出现的女子和孩子`The Virgin and Child appearing to a Group of Saints by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

拉斯凯勒,1901年`The Rathskeller, 1901 by John Sloan

拉斯凯勒,1901年`The Rathskeller, 1901 by John Sloan

耶稣受难,圣母玛利亚和福音传道者圣约翰哀悼,耶稣受难二连体画`The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, Crucifixion Diptych by Rogier van der Weyden

耶稣受难,圣母玛利亚和福音传道者圣约翰哀悼,耶稣受难二连体画`The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, Crucifixion Diptych by Rogier van der Weyden

星座,游艇上的雨天`Constellation, Rainy Day on the Yacht by John Singer Sargent

星座,游艇上的雨天`Constellation, Rainy Day on the Yacht by John Singer Sargent

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