国画绘伞 组图

订婚祝酒词`The engagement toast by Eugen von Renazzi

订婚祝酒词`The engagement toast by Eugen von Renazzi

你害怕我吗?`Gunlog Are Afraid Of Me ?

你害怕我吗?`Gunlog Are Afraid Of Me ?

在天使的翅膀下`Under the Angel\’s Wing by William Strutt

在天使的翅膀下`Under the Angel\’s Wing by William Strutt

玛蒂尔德·汤森小姐,1907年`Miss Mathilde Townsend, 1907 by John Singer Sargent

玛蒂尔德·汤森小姐,1907年`Miss Mathilde Townsend, 1907 by John Singer Sargent

前Voto,1860年`Ex-Voto, 1860 by Alphonse Legros

前Voto,1860年`Ex-Voto, 1860 by Alphonse Legros

1864年,梅纳德家族追击潘修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, 1864 by Charles Gleyre

1864年,梅纳德家族追击潘修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, 1864 by Charles Gleyre

田园诗,1885年`A Pastoral, 1885 by George Inness

田园诗,1885年`A Pastoral, 1885 by George Inness

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